OS Robot competition
The Robot
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Locked and loaded
With a very sturdy chassis and compact build, A.R.E.S. is ready to face the hostile conditions of uncharted lands!
Heavy lifter
A.R.E.S. is able to carry and drop large and heavy objects thanks to the articulated arm on his back.
Pathfinder and trailblazer
A.R.E.S. is equipped with a radar sensor, a color sensor, a bumper, and a gyroscope. It's not going to lose its way!
The Algorithm
How to map uncharted lands
1Look around!
A.R.E.S. first starts by looking in all directions to look for obstacles.
2Go far!
It then goes in the direction allowing it to travel the biggest distance.
A.R.E.S. then checks if the obstacle in front of him (if any) is movable or not.
4Take notes!
A.R.E.S. then updates its internal map, noting the area he explored, the obstacles he has seen...
Finally, A.R.E.S repeats this behavior, but only going after areas he has not explored yet.
The Team
Here's our first troop of adventurers!
Process manager
Worked on the main function, bump detector, multi process, exploration strategy, and map management..
Worked on the main function, bump detector, multi process, exploration strategy implementation, and map management.
Sensors specialist
Worked on the radar, movements, robotic arm, gyroscope, color detection
Worked on the radar, movements, robotic arm, map initialization, color detection. Git manager and website manager.
A.R.E.S. in action!
© 2017